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Table of contents:
[ League Set-up || Registration || Referees || FIFA Rule Exceptions || Red Cards || Cancellations & Forfeits || No Shows || Attire || Insurance || After the Game || Fields and Nets || Team Standings || Trophies || Game Reports || Player Suspensions || Transfers ]

The following rules apply to all teams participating in the league including the Women's Open Division.
Note: The word player used through-out this document is used without gender.

1. League Set-up

    The league has the following divisons:

    SeasonDivision Minimum Age Game DayStart Time
    April-AugustOver-4040Thursdays6:30 PM
    April-AugustOver-3030Tuesdays6:30 PM
    May-AugustOpen18Thursdays6:30 PM
    September-?Over-2525Saturdays10:00 AM

    1.1 Divisions: When the number of teams warrants it, a division is composed of groups of teams split by competition level. The number of groups is decided by majority vote of the teams at league meetings. The league is set up to carry a maximum of 20 teams per division. At the end of the season transfers between groups for the next season are based on a team's performance. Usually the worst team from each group moves down and the best team from each group moves up.

    1.2 Start Time: All games start promptly at the start time, provided both teams have a minimum of (7) players on the field. Both teams have a 15 minute grace period to get the minimum of (7) players on the field. If a team cannot field (7) players to start the game at the end of the grace period, the team forfeits the game with a 2/0 loss.

    1.3 Age Limit: A player's age for the season is determined by their age on April 1st of the seasonal year. As of April 1, 1993 any team having a player under the age limit during a match without the consent of the manager or captain of the opposite team will forfeit the game with a score of 2/0. Under no circumstances will a player under 18 years of age be permitted to play.

2. Registration

3. Referees

4. FIFA Rule Exceptions

5. Red Cards

6. Cancellations & Forfeits

7. No Shows

    If a team fails to show at the appointed time and date, or shows up with less than 7 players, the team forfeits the game and is considered a No Show.

    The No Show team is responsible for the referee's fee since the referee must be paid.

    The team present pays the referee and requests to be reimbursed by the No Show team representative.

    If the No Show team does not reimburse the fee within 2 weeks or by the next league meeting, the money will be taken from the funds of the league, and the team shall be suspended from the league the following year.

8. Attire

    All teams must wear a uniform according to the FIFA LAWS. When there is a conflict in the uniform colors the home team is obliged to change shirts. Goalkeepers must wear a different color to distinguish themselves from field players.

    If a visiting team

    1. wears uniform colors different than those registered in the schedule, and
    2. the new colors interfere with the colors of the home team, and
    3. does not inform the home team 24 hours in advance;

    the visiting team is obliged to change the uniform.

    As of July 7, 1992 shin-guards are mandatory since its part of the uniform as stipulated in the July 1, 1990 FIFA LAW.

9. Insurance

    All teams are covered by the league's 3rd party liability insurance.

    The league does not provide MEDICAL INSURANCE. All players on every team must have medical insurance.

    Each player on all teams participating in this league must sign a participant waiver. Team captains should have the waiver properly signed.

    Team rosters are mandatory for insurance purposes.

    Rosters and waivers should be available at games for any team that requests them.

10. After the Game

    Players are expected to shake hands after the game. Since most teams play on school or public grounds where drinking is strictly prohibited, it is mandatory that NO ALCOHOLIC beverages be consumed at the game sites.

11. Fields and Nets

    Is the responsibility of the home team to have the field properly lined and have nets on the goals. If field is not properly lined or there are no nets the game is an automatic forfeit for the home team. The referee has the choice whether to officiate the game or not. Regardless, the referee must be paid.

12. Team Standings

13. Trophies

14. Game Reports

15. Player Suspensions

16. Tranfers

    This section was added on June 24, 1998.
    Transfers between teams are only permitted on a permanent basis. A player cannot play for more than one team within the same division (0ver-30, Over-40 and Open Division).

    For the Open Division ONLY - this rule does not apply to the Over-30 and Over-40 Divisions: Rosters are frozen after the third game scheduled by the league. After this time, no team is allowed to add new players to the roster. Any game played under the violation of this rule is considered not played and the game must be replayed before the second to last game of the season. If a team refuses to replay the game that team forfeits with a 2/0 loss.