Tri-County Soccer League 1998 Tournament
When: |
Sunday, August 9, 1998
Games start at 9:00 AM sharp.
Fees: |
$120 per team for league teams.
$260 per team for outside teams.
Referee fees are included in the above.
Fees must be paid in cash.
Awards: |
First place team will be awarded soccer shirts.
Maximum of 20 shirts per team.
Shirts will only be given to players present at the final game.
Where: |
Conackamack School
off of Witherspoon Street
Piscataway, NJ
Directions: |
From I-287 southbound:
I-287 south to Exit #9 (River Rd - Rt 18, used to be Exit #5).
Make a right onto River Rd at end of ramp.
Make left onto Rivercrest Road about 1.1 miles from I-287.
Follow sign indicating Piscataway Soccer Fields.
Parking is is not allowed on the streets.
Park behind the school and walk to the fields.
From I-287 northbound:
I-287 north to Exit #9 (River Rd - Rt 18, used to be Exit #5).
Make left at the end of the ramp onto River Rd.
Follow directions above.