Tri-County Soccer League 2004 News

Fall schedule: 10/30 and 10/31 makeups.
11/6: G1(4@1),G2(3@2),G3(6@5),7 bye.
11/13: Winners G1vsG2, Losers G1vsG2, 7@WinnerG3.

John Santo has a new work extension.

Fall schedule is available under the fall link. Season will be 10 weeks starting on 9/11. 7 Teams, play everyone once (7 weeks), followed by makeup week, followed by 2 more games.

Fall schedule is available under Fall link.

John is currently making fall schedule. Season will be 10 weeks starting on 9/11. 7 Teams, play everyone once (7 weeks), followed by makeup week, followed by 2 more games.

If you need to cancel a game, or need a ref assigned for a makeup game between 8/14/04 and 8/20/04, contact David Kapilow (team contact for New Providence I in O30A). After 8/20/04, contact John Santo.

All O40 games postponed from last Thu have been rescheduled for this Thu. The O40 playoff games have been pushed back one week to allow an extra week for makeup games.

Out of respect for Helmut Kientzler all games scheduled for Thu, 8/5 have been postponed until Thu, 8/12. In addition to being our League Co-President, Helmut was instrumental in the formation of the League.
Viewing: Thursday, 8/5, 2-4PM, 7-9PM
Branchburg Funeral Home
910 Route 202 South
Branchburg, New Jersey 08876
Funeral: Friday, 8/6, 9AM Mass
St Ann Church
45 Anderson Street
Raritan, NJ, 08869

Helmut Kientzler passed away this morning at 8AM. He was taken to the hospital Saturday morning and was hemorrhaging in the brain. They could not stop the bleeding and he was put on life sustaining machines till this morning. He passed away peacefully in a deep sleep. Helmut was a player, a referee and an officer in the league since it started. He will be missed by many of his close friends in the Tricounty League. Information about the viewing and funeral will be posted as soon as it is arranged.

Added playoffs page.

New home field added for Watchung Hills
Riverside Park, Valley Rd, Long Hill.

New home field added for Watchung Hills
Duderstadt Fields, Mt Horeb Rd, Warren.

New directions added for Central Middle School in Branchburg.
Please don't park on Thoroughbred Drive.

Branchburg United added to O30B. There are no longer interdivision games in O30. O30A teams now have 2 byes during season. Bridgewater-Raritan field changed to Duke Island.

Over-30 and Over-40 schedules posted. Since there are 9 teams in each O30 division, interdivison games were scheduled instead of byes. Over-40 schedule is 16 games.

Schedules will be made this weekend. Please check Over-30 and Over-40 pages for field constraints. Also check Contacts page for errors.

Following teams still owe insurance fees:
O30: Bridgewater, Bridgewater-Raritan, MobilShred, National Starch, Aventis
O40: Chester, Bridgewater I

Summary of 2/25 meeting:

  • 030 Division: divided into 2 flights of 9 or 10. 4/20 start.
    Drop: Flemington(A), New Brunswick Caribbeans(A), Branchburg(C)
    New: Hunterdon I
    18 week season followed by 2 weeks of playoffs.
  • O40 Division: 12 teams divided into 2 divisions. 4/22 start.
    Drop: ATT
    New: Warren United, New Providence II, Clinton II.
    16 week season followed by 1 week makeups and 2 weeks playoffs. Play everyone in division twice (10 games), outside division once (6 games).
  • New rule: ref has discretion to request player proof of age without request from the opposing team captain.
  • New rule: to discourage violent conduct a team will be fined $50 by the league for red cards given for Violent Conduct. The fine does not apply to red cards given for Serious Foul Play or accumulation of yellows in a game.
  • New Rule: wins count as 3 points in standings instead of 2 points.
  • Ref fees increased to $65/game.
  • Schedule will be made as soon as teams find out their field constraints. Please email field availability, contact updates, and field directions to tricounty.
  • Trophies for 2003 were awarded.

Insurance fees for 2004 will be the same as last year. Bring a check for $3/player, $60/team minimum made out to BENE-MARC, Inc. to the meeting. All teams MUST pay at the meeting 2/25/04 so our policy can be renewed and certificates prepared in time for the 2004 season.

One of our members from the Flemington Soccer Club, Ricky Bennett has 2 children who are terminally ill with a rare disorder. Attached is some information about the kids and a fund raiser.

Meeting date for 2004 season is
  7pm, Wednesday, Feb 25, 2004 at Bushers
on Rt. 22W in Whitehouse. A representative from each team must attend and bring 2 checks: a league fee of $50 per team made out to Tricounty Soccer, and a check for insurance. Insurance fees will be determined soon. Any new team must also post a bond. Trophies will be awarded for the 2003 summer and fall seasons. Also on the table will be a discussion for subdividing the over 40 division and other issues that came up during the past year. Season will start Tuesday April 20 for the O30 and Thursday April 22 for O40.

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