and I will assign the ref. All games as of 7/7/08
are now assigned. I will be out of the country July 24 to Aug. 4 but will
have internet capability. If you must call to cancel or schedule or
reschedule a game on those days contact Scott Ashcroft at 908-399-6916(C) or
908-730-9428(H). Scott will have the referee list and contact the assigned
New contacts for Clinton. New field for Bridgewater-Raritan.
Schedules posted.
Polonia Hillsborough(O40A) has found a field in Edison that is close to
I-287 for the early part of the season (the first six Thursday games).
The field is in good condition and the lights will be available
for a later start time (7PM) to allow everybody to be on time.
O40A clubs should contact John to give opinions about later start time
and location.
O40 flights will remain as last year. Final groupings are shown below.
Any club interested in O50 should contact John. If we get about 5 teams,
the O50 games would be scheduled on a day other than Tuesday.
Due to number of teams and last seasons results, the 2008 season will be played with 2 divisions of 8 teams in the O30. The "A" division will comprise of Bridgewater-Raritan, Bridgewater United, Clinton Town FC I, Hunterdon II, Hunterdon III, Shamrock Rovers, Summit Gunners and Tewksbury. The "B" division will be Branchburg United, Clinton Town FC II, Hillsborough United, Hunterdon I, IC United, National Starch, Readington FC and Sanofi-Aventis Rayders. Each team will play home and away with each club in their division for a 14 game season. All games are scheduled for 6:30 PM on Tuesdays. Please send field issues and sharing constraints to immediately and the schedule will be developed. Check directions, team contacts, and colors and send any changes to
Insurance premiums have not been paid by Bridgewater UTD, B/R,
Clinton Teams, and Nat'l Starch. Randy will be submitting the premiums
on Sunday 3/10/08. After that date, the teams that have not paid will
have to contact the broker in Texas and handle their own premium payments,
applications, and certificates.
Teams missing from meeting were Bridgewater-Raritan, Watchung, Hillsborough
United, National Starch and the Clinton teams. We received subsequent
confirmation that all except Watchung will return. In O30A, New Providence,
Polonia and most likely Watchung are dropping out. Hunterdon
will add a new 30A team (Hunterdon 3). Springfield wants to enter a
new team in 30B or C. Polonia is adding a team in 40A. In the over 40s
it looks like we will have 15 teams. Several clubs were interested in
an 050 divison on Tuesday nights. We may have 4 or 5 teams. All clubs
should check their contact information.
The underage rule in the bylaws is revised. Rule 1. C. Age Limit changed from
April 1st of the seasonal year to date of game. Following added to the end of
the rule: Team managers/coaches must find out the age of any player they allow
to play on the team. If an underage player is discovered playing prior to the
opponent team being notified, the game will be forfeited by the guilty team and
they will have to pay the referee fee.
2008 Insurance fees are unchanged: $10/player, with most teams
paying $150-200, depending on roster size. Teams need
not pay twice for players that play in both the over 30's and over 40's.
Checks payable to "Bene-Marc". Insurance fees must be paid at the meeting.
The annual preseason meeting will take place on Monday February 25, 2008 7:30 PM at
the Chimney Rock Inn on Chimney Rock Rd. in Bridgewater
Any team that wishes
to play this season must have a representative at the meeting. Trophies will be
handed out to the 2007 winners. The league fee remains $50 for the season.
Referee fees will also remain the same $70 for over 30 and $65 for over 40.
Insurance fees will be discussed by Randy Dahme. Bring a separate check for
Insurance. All teams must secure a HOME field. Note any restrictions to home
field. Games will commence on April 22 for over 30 and April 24 for over 40.