8/30/15 We have 6 teams for the Fall division. Fall schedules have been posted. 7/7/15 Islanders FC 030 are being dropped from the league. All of their remaining scheduled games are forfeits. 5/9/15 2015 Referee Contact List is now on the website. 8/30/15 We have 6 teams for the Fall division. Fall schedules have been posted. 7/7/15 Islanders FC 030 are being dropped from the league. All of their remaining scheduled games are forfeits. 5/9/15 2015 Referee Contact List is now on the website. 4/12/15 O40B Clinton team dropped out. 3/27/15 Due to field constraint conflicts, some schedules have been modified. Please check your new schedule by clicking on your team name. Each team plays opponent teams in their division 3 times for a 15 game schedule. Some teams have 7 away and 8 home games and some teams will have 8 away and 7 home games. Notify John if you have any field conflicts. 3/18/15 Insurance Certificates for 2015 season are now available. 3/15/15 Matt Pentlicky is a 43 year old husband and father of 3 beautiful young children. He has been playing soccer all his life and starred for NJIT after his high school career. He's always been very involved in outdoor sports...mountain biking, climbing cliffs, hunting, fishing and running. He played in the Tri-County Soccer League with Fusion FC for the better part of 3-4 years. A couple years ago, he was diagnosed with Stage IV Esophageal Cancer. From there, the cancer spread to all corners of his liver. The cancer was being managed, but another tumor was discovered by his stomach. He has been in the care of doctors in Berkeley Heights, New York City and Philadelphia where he's been put in several different trials with the hopes that the cancer can be cured, but to date, it is just being "managed." Thus far, there is no cure for his cancer. Sitting in chemo treatments, radiation treatments and several different doctors' offices for most days of the every week has prevented him from being able to hold a job that enables he or his family to have steady medical insurance. The bills are piling up with no real ability to take care of them in a timely manner. Family and friends have launched fundraising websites and events around the area to help. This made me think that the Tri-County Soccer League, a family in itself, could possibly lend a hand to help this family with their bills, groceries and everyday needs. If you and your team would be so thoughtful and generous, please make donations to: TriCounty Soccer, PO Box 6611, Bridgewater, NJ 08807 with the name Matt Pentlicky in the memo area. 3/14/15 Schedules for 2015 posted. 3/7/15 Divisions updated again for 2015 3/2/15 Divisions updated for 2015 2/18/15 Insurance Update: Cost this year is $12/player so: 15 man roster = $180 (minimum amount), 20 man roster = $240. If the same player plays both O30/O40 they only need to pay once. Bring checks payable to Bene-Marc, Inc. or cash to the meeting. No premiums = No Insurance Certificates = No Field. Teams may mail Randall Dahme a check (Tewksbury contact on Contacts page) prior to the meeting. 1/16/15 Our annual meeting will be on Monday, February 23, 2015, 7:30PM at the Chimney Rock Inn in Bridgewater. Every team must have a representative at the meeting. Season will commence the week of April 20, 2015. Over 30 and Over 48 games will be played on Tuesdays and Over 40 games will be played on Thursdays. All teams MUST have a home field. Field constraints will be taken into consideration as much as possible. Scheduled games will end the last week in July with makeups and playoffs in August. |