Registration Fees
League Fee per team | $50 |
Insurance (Liability only) | $60 |
Total | $110 |
The above fees are non-refundable after a team has been accepted and insured.
The liability insurance is now $3 per player, with a minimum of $60 per team.
If you have more than 20 players on your roster its $3 times the number of players.
If the same players play on two different teams, they do not have to pay the
insurance fee twice. For example, if your club has an Over-30 team with 20 players,
and an Over-40 team with 20-players, and 10 of the players play on both teams, the
insurance fee is $90 ($60 for the Over-30, plus $30 for the 10 players on the
Over-40 team that do not play on the Over-30 team).
At the 8/4/99 League Meeting it was decided that the League Fee for the first season
of a new team will be $100 more than the fees for established teams.
The extra $100 will cover referee expenses in case the new team forfeits games.
If the team finishes the season without forfeits the $100 will be returned
or applied to the next season.
Referee Fees
$60 per game. Paid by the home team.